Tournament Rules
- Sign-up to fish online at FishAgainstAddiction.com. Click here for tournament registration.
- The entry fee is $350 per boat, four anglers max per boat. Additionally, there is both a $100 Trout TWT and a separate $100 Slot Red Drum TWT.
- 1st – 3rd place will be decided using a 3 fish (speckled trout) aggregate total weight. Lady/Junior/Trout TWT will all be decided by the heaviest individual speckled trout. The slot red drum TWT will be decided by the heaviest individual slot red drum.
- The fish that is being weighed for the Fish Against Addiction Tournament can also be used as a weigh-in for the 5-month Trout Tournament that Chasin’ Tails has going on. You must pay two separate fees to enter both tournaments. We (Fish Against Addiction) do not accept payments for the Chasin’ Tails Trout Tournament. To enter the Chasin’ Tails Trout Tournament, you must sign up at Chasin’ Tails. To enter the Fish Against Addiction Tournament, you must sign up on our website here.
- To fish in the Fish Against Addiction tournament, registration must be completed by the start of the Captain's Dinner on Friday, November 1, 2024. To fish in the Fish Against Addiction tournament, you must attend the Captain's Dinner. (The Captain’s Dinner will take place at One Harbor Church, 1605 Fisher Street, Morehead City, NC, 28557 at 5:00 pm ET.) A protest period will be announced at the Captains Dinner.
- Entry must abide by official guidelines set by NC Marine Fisheries on minimum length requirements to be eligible.
- Fish must be caught in NC waters. No boundaries. Prize money will be awarded solely based on weight.
- Each registrant can only win one prize, except with TWT.
- TWT (Tournament within Tournament) is a 50% TWT prize pool split between the heaviest speckled trout and charities. To compete in the TWT you must be registered to fish in the main Fish Against Addiction tournament.
- All prize money is estimated at each level and is subject to change based on the total number of vessels participating in the Fish Against Addiction tournament.
- In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by the following: weigh master will log fish by date, weight, and earliest weigh-in time will be the winner.
- Fish must be weighed in at Chasin’ Tails Outdoors by an official weigh master.
- The fish will be weighed at Chasin’ Tails by boat only.
- You may start fishing at 7:00 AM on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024. Once fishing starts, your boat must remain in the water and your fish must be check-in by boat at Chasin' Tails. You may not take your boat out of the water at all until your fish has been weighed.
- Fish must be caught on rod/reel and hook/line solely.
- Live or artificial bait is allowed.
- Weigh-ins start at 3:00 pm and end at 4:00 pm on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024, and will take place at Chasin' Tails at 709 Atlantic Beach Causeway, Atlantic Beach, NC, 28512. Depending on how many boats enter the tournament, the weigh-in end time may change.
- Once weigh-ins have been completed, checks will be presented at Chasin’ Tails around 5:00 pm.
- Weigh masters can disqualify fish due to net marks, spear marks, etc.
- If you are not registered as a fisherman for this tournament, then you cannot weigh in a fish. No Exceptions!
- Violation of any rule will result in an automatic disqualification. The weigh master shall be the sole judge, and their decision is final. The weigh master reserves the right to examine internally and externally any fish weighed. Fish will be gutted if any questions by the weigh master.
- Any weigh-in that is in a money-winning position may be subject to a polygraph test before winners are announced.
- Any questions concerning these rules and regulations should be directed to Matt Lamb, head weigh master at Chasin’ Tails.